Pastor's Sermon
Epiphany – 2025 LSB #’s 342, 394, 397
Text – Matthew 2:12 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way. BY ANOTHER WAY In western NC many people are traveling by another way than they would have six months ago. Hurricane Helene has made that a necessity. The Gospel reading from Matthew 2 ends with the Magi going home by another way because hurricane Herod meant to wreak havoc on anyone daring to challenge his place as king. In earlier years, Herod had at least two of his own sons murdered out of fear they were plotting to take his throne. The Gospel of Matthew is like a trumpet sounding the message of God’s grace in God’s kingdom. Yet, chapter two is introduced with these words: “…Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king…” That is not by accident. Some people have the mistaken idea that for Christianity to be true there must be perfect peace & harmony in our world. Some people extend that idea to individual human beings. They believe that if you are a Christian, then you will always be kind, patient & tolerant. In other words, Christians should be perfect. If they are not, then Christianity proves to be false. That understanding of Christianity, as a means of perfection, is not entirely untrue; it is just completely mistaken in its timing. Those who follow Jesus Christ are being perfected, but it is never complete in this life. The kingdom of God is alive & well right here & now. The struggle we have is that it’s barely visible to the naked eye. In His wisdom, Yahweh has chosen to keep His kingdom hidden behind the brokenness of this world. Faith does see the love of God hidden behind the dead body of God’s Son as it hangs on the cross. Unbelief sees the same thing & recoils in horror at the apparent foolishness of such a God. Unbelief demands results right now & demands them on its own terms. Unbelief detests the very essence of the 1st commandment = You shall have no other gods. Anyone who refuses to accept Jesus as Lord also cannot trust Him as Savior. Unbelief desires a god that caters to its every whim. At its heart, unbelief is always about idolatry of some kind. So that faith stands out as genuine, God hides His kingdom behind the brokenness of the fallen creation. Even as Jesus was raising people from the dead, the Gospel of John tells us what happened: “When Jesus had said these things, He departed & hid Himself from them. Though He had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in Him.” (12:36b-37 ESV) Therefore, God’s mercy & grace was born in Bethlehem “in the days of Herod the [murderous] king…” And, “…behold, [Magi] from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star when it rose & have come to worship Him.’” (Matthew 2:1-2 ESV) They came to worship the true King, but they dealt with a false king along the way. There are many false kings in our lives as well – some of our own making. Herod certainly worshipped himself, but also power & wealth & reputation. Any kind of alternate king would be threatening to each one of his idols. Yet, when the Magi arrive in Jerusalem, God presented Herod with an opportunity to ask himself, “How did I get here, with this need to destroy anyone I view in any way as a threat?” When the chief priests & scribes told Herod where the Christ was to be born, Herod truly did have an opportunity to go with the Magi to worship Jesus. However, Herod would have to go there by another way. His current path of pride & idolatry would never lead him to worship the Christ Child as the Magi intended to. Have you ever found yourself in circumstances where you asked, “How did I get here? What have I done to get myself into this predicament? And how do I get out of it?” If that happens while driving, you just use Google Maps & it will show you another way. Most predicaments of life are not as easily solved. A worst-case scenario is Putin of Russia. If he’s at all a rational being, he must realize the path he’s on is ludicrous, but his pride & idolatry will not allow him another way. Kings & dictators have had that problem throughout history. Because of sin, each of us acts like a king or dictator, even if on a much smaller scale than Putin or Herod. Maybe the bed always has to be made in a certain way, or the items in your toolbox have an exact location in which they are to be placed. Sin brings chaos into our lives, & then sin corrupts our efforts to control that chaos. Sin attacks us coming & going. By writing that Jesus was born in the days of Herod the king, Matthew invites us into an earthly kingdom filled with power & fear, deception & murder. God wants us to know that Christianity is not some Pollyanna religion that denies our cruel reality. With Jesus arriving in the days of Herod the king, God is making it clear that He’s willing to effect our salvation from the inside out. Putin is trying to impose his will on the people of Ukraine from the outside in. That approach saves no one, & brings nothing but death & destruction. Jesus took on human flesh to change the very essence of what we are. It’s a much more long-term process, but it effects real & eternal change for good. The events of Jesus’ conception & birth are filled with signs that God is directly intervening to save His people. Angels appear to Mary & Joseph to reveal God’s plan because it was a bit out of the ordinary. The Magi, who are clueless otherwise, are warned in a dream not to return to Herod. Because God intervened, & because the Magi trusted Him, they return home by another way. When we find ourselves in a predicament, & wonder how we got there, we can count on God to rescue us. As St. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, & He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (10:13 ESV) However, when God comes to rescue, it is better for us if we do listen. The Magi departed Bethlehem by another way because they listened to God’s warning. God is busy everyday bringing moments of grace into our lives. They often go right over our head, in one ear & out the other. God is calling us in those moments of grace, to travel by another way, a way you & I would never choose on our own. Repentance is one of those ways, & it always leads to our Lord’s love & forgiveness, life & healing. When we face a dilemma & can think of no good way out, Jesus calls us simply to follow Him. Like the Magi who followed a star, we too can trust God & find blessing. There will be doubts along the way. Those come from our sinful weakness & from Satan’s temptation. In time, God’s plan will be made manifest. From a manger, where a child lay wrapped in bands of cloth, God’s reach, God’s embrace in Christ gets larger & larger & larger, down through the years to the days of you & me. The events involving the Magi are meant to bring hope & life into our lives. As the opening hymn put it: Come, Jesus, come, Messiah Lord, lost Paradise restore; lead past the angel’s flaming sword – Come, open heaven’s door. (LSB 342:4) Amen. Grant us grace to see Thee, Lord, present in Thy holy Word – grace to imitate Thee now & be pure, as pure art Thou; that we might become like Thee at Thy great epiphany & may praise Thee, ever blest, God in man made manifest. Amen. LSB 394:5. |
AuthorPastor Dean R. Poellet Archives
January 2025
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